Options: Slide-in Modules (USB HoSt, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Networking), Infrared Heater, Metal Heater, Printer, Sample Pans, Sample Pads
114g Capacity 0.0001g (0.1mg)/ 0.001% Readability, Force Compensation by Precisa, Graphic User Interface, Real-time View, Weight Loss %, Dashboard & Parameter Check, Versatile Connections – RS-232, USB Standard, Optional Slide-in Modules for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Networking, Expanded Method Memory, Programmable Temperature Ramp, Programmable Intervals, Available with Halogen, Infrared or Metal heater (glass free), Customized Reporting, Pan: 3.54”, Made in Switzerland Free Shipping
Options: Slide-in Modules (USB HoSt, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Networking), Infrared Heater, Metal Heater, Printer, Sample Pans, Sample Pads